

ZhaoKang-Lab ZhaoKang-Lab

Prof Kang Zhao

Short Bio

Kang Zhao joined the Department of Integrated Circuits, Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications (BUPT) as a Professor in 2022. He has been deeply involved in the field of integrated circuit EDA for nearly 20 years, and has both college work experience and rich experience in high-end product design of international leading enterprises.

In 2009, he graduated from the EDA Lab of Tsinghua University, and then continued to work in Tsinghua for two years. He has presided over and participated in the NSFC, China Postdoctoral Science Foundation, and National Key R&D Program of China. He joined Intel Lab in 2011, and participated in Intel research projects such as Clanton processors, HW/SW co-verification, and intelligence robots. In 2016, he joined Xilinx (AMD) Inc, and led Xilinx High-level Synthesis (HLS) product team.

In 2022, he joined the Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, focusing on the EDA and FPGA domain, especially HLS and logic synthesis. He is leading the project of National Key R&D Program of China.


2009年博士毕业于清华大学计算机系EDA实验室,之后留校工作两年,曾主持参与国家自然科学基金、国家博士后基金、十一五核高基重大专项。2011年加盟英特尔研究院,期间参与Intel Clanton处理器、软硬协同验证、人工智能机器人等项目。2016年加盟Xilinx(AMD)北京研发中心,领导Xilinx(AMD)的EDA高层次综合产品团队,对接全球FPGA领域最先进的HLS产品。


Research Interests

Electronic Design Automation; FPGA tools; Compiler optimization; Architecture.



Current Academic Projects

  • National Key R&D Program of China (2022-2025). Project top leader. Chip and tool design for DPU.
  • National scientific research projects (2022-2024). Project leader. HLS tool optimization.

Finished Academic Projects

  • National Natural Science Foundation of China (2012-2014). Project leader. ISE synthesis and verification for ASIP.
  • China Postdoctoral Science Foundation (2010-2011). Project leader. Instruction custom algorithm and platform.
  • 973 Key Project of Chinese National Programs for Fundamental Research and Development (2005-2011). Participate. Design and Verification for High-Performance Core.

Finished Industry Projects

  • Xilinx Vitis HLS Product Release (2018-2022). Xilinx Beijing RD Team Leader; focus on LLVM FPGA-target optimizations especially.
  • Intel Home Robot (2015-2016). SLAM Team key member, focus on action controlling under SLAM.
  • Intel Clanton Processor project (2011-2014). Team key member, focus on cache coherence and validation.

Professional Services

  • TPC Chair for FPT’2025 (FPGA international conference).
  • Editorial committee member for “Journal of Computer-Aided Design & Computer Graphics”, 2023-now. (国内A类期刊《计算机辅助设计与图形学学报》)
  • Publicity Chair for FPT’2022 (FPGA international conference).
  • Program Commitee for FPT’2014 (FPGA international conference).
  • Secretary and Web Chair for FPT’2010 (FPGA international conference).
  • Secretary for CAD/Graphics’2010 (计算机辅助设计与图形学会议)
  • Reviewer for top conferences in the areas of EDA and FPGA, including DAC, ICCAD, DATE, ICCD, FPGA, FCCM, FPL, etc.